Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 10: Day 45-49 - VA Votes #3

Today, I started tinkering with the tables on the va_votes_testing database. It seems I am getting a good understanding of how the table relationships work, and I'm very happy about that. What's even more important though, is getting the data into these tables. However, the current data is simply too disorganized to be able to go into the tables. I will have to find a good way of rearranging the data to fit into the tables I made.

So, after discussing with Marco and Owen, we found a good way of getting the data into the tables. I started modifying the CSV data from the official Virginia elections website, and I think I have a grasp on what it should look like. Now what we need is for Marco to make a good Python program that will clean the data the way I want it to.

Today, Mr. Elkner was not here. We had a good sub, who let us do our thing. Marco showed me the mechanics of how he plans to store data into the tables using Python. The way it works is that it uses the SQL integration that's built into Python to take the data and put it into the tables. We decided it's faster if we create a "data cleaner" which will modify the CSV files into the way I want it to be. Marco may have decided to delegate that task to Ali, not entirely sure. I exported a PGSQL file from my database so Marco could have a reference point, I also uploaded it to the VA Votes Github.

Today, I started by exporting an SQL file instead, since the pgsql format was not good for Marco. I spent the rest of class manually organizing data from the 2000 election so I can input into my database. I basically finished doing that, along with creating data for the other tables so I can see if it really works properly.

I implemented legitimate voter election data into the database. It's from the U.S. Presidential Election in 2000. This was for proof of concept. The database that I make works properly, but now I must await until I get the diagram from Thursday night so I can design the next database.

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