Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Week 9: Day 41-44 - VA Votes #2

Today, I am looking into transferring CSV files into Postgres. To import it, you must create a table with the corresponding columns in the data. However, the columns have slashes in it, the rows have both text and integers, and I have no idea what to do to import the data properly. This is extremely frustrating, but I hope that I figure it all out during the week.

Today, we began designing the database. First, I created a new database so I could mess around without causing any damage to the va_votes database. In my endeavor to find out how to extract the CSV data into a table, I tried pointing out the problems with the particular ones I was dealing with to Owen and Marco. They had no idea how to fix it, and clearly I didn't either. Instead, we focused on designing the database, and we wrote it down on paper. Next, I put it into action, and I believe that I created the proper key relationships.

Today, I was going through the W3Schools course on SQL. I'm trying to figure out all the joins and their functions. I went through a lot of the course, and skipped the parts I already knew.

I started working on the tables for the database, and I'm having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around how we're going to rearrange the data.

1 comment:

  1. Could you please provide a link to the python scripts you are using to scrape the data? I'd like to follow along with your progress, and the easier you can make it to do that the more useful the whole process will be.
